HvZ Human Field Manual

The Zombie Tag Survival Guide: Human Field Manual E-Book!

So we finally uploaded The Zombie Tag Survival Guide: Human Field Manual to Smashwords! 

This means you can download it for free and take it with you on the go. We also uploaded it to Kindle Direct Publishing, but the lowest price we could list was 99 cents. Theoretically the price will drop to FREE on Kindle as well - we notified Amazon that it is available at a lower price (free) on Smashwords, so this should force Amazon to drop the price to free as well. Yeah - we're sneaky like that!

DON'T BUY THE 99 CENT VERSION FROM AMAZON - download free from Smashwords until the price drops to FREE on Amazon... 

Also note the formatting is a bit wonky - the word doc was specifically formatted for conversion to mobi format, and this caused some formatting issues when converted to all other formats.  What this means is that it is not available on iBooks until we clean up the formatting and resubmit the text. Sorry for the hassle!

Anyway, until we get our asses in gear and update the formatting for iPhones, it is available in epub, mobi(kindle), pdf, online viewer or original doc. Get your free copy and tell a friend today!