HvZ Human Field Manual

NERF Mod - Hyperfire Mod - Assault Rifle

Ok, so I obviously love making NERF assault rifles.

There are tons of Worker 3D printed body kits out there these days - and they are all pretty freaking awesome. I did a Stryfe full size assault rifle with a Worker body kit and it’s amazing - BUT - there are no kits for blasters like the Hyperfire. Plus, those kits can be expensive. 

As an alternative you can buy a cheap spring powered airsoft gun for around 20 bucks and get all kinds of rails and parts off it for a mod. (just make sure it’s full sized 1:1 scale) 

Here’s the latest, a NERF Hyperfire with airsoft barrel shroud, minimized body, sling mount, detachable stock and 7.4v power. Upper, lower and side weaver rails. With the Worker 22 round clip it kinda looks like an AK variant. the upper Weaver rail had to be split into sections to allow the jam door to open.

 THIS is why we hold onto all those old N-Strike Recons - for the stock attachment piece! (they are also awesome for doing a tactical shotgun out of the Roughcut - the grip and stock mount work great for those) 

Still need to add the barrel inside the shroud and finish some soldering - then it’s good to go! Or good to paint, I should say.