I already had the folding foregrip installed, and had just added the weaver rail – so I gave it a single point sling mount on the grip, and integrated a stock extension and cheek rest. The cheek rest is orange to tie in with the trigger, barrel release and barrels.
This is about as much as I can think to do to ”tactify” it at this point. I might paint the shells red with brass at the bottom to look more like real shotgun shells.

Of course in the end of the day it's still just a Doubleshot - a grossly inefficient and marginally effective blaster at best. Realistically, in this day of NERF Elite and Zombie Strike blasters, and now with the new Rival line, with it's limited range of around 45-50 feet max the Doubleshot is increasingly obsolete.
It's still a fun blaster to use as a last resort or as an initial close range blast - and using cut down Whistler or Tagger darts it's way more accurate than Elites. There is something incredibly fun about ejecting the shells. Even though it's horrible for it's long reload times, you can always drop it on a sling when empty and easily switch to your primary.